2021 International Conference on Mathematical Neuroscience - Digital Edition (28th of June –1st of July)

The International Conference on Mathematical Neuroscience (ICMNS) is an
inter-disciplinary conference series, bringing together theoretical neuroscientists and mathematicians. The conferences are aimed at scientists interested in using or developing mathematical techniques for neuroscience problems.
ICMNS was launched in 2015 and has been organised 6 times to date.
Owing to the Coronavirus outbreak, this edition will be held online from the 28th of June to the 1st of July 2021 between 15:00 and 18:00 (GMT+2).
ICMNS 2021 will be broadcasted live on our YouTube channel, on which we will also upload all talks after the conference. Please subscribe to our channel to receive updates.
The conference is free of charge, but the programme and Zoom links to attend the event will only be sent to members of the ICMNS Digital mailing list.
- If you are already registered on the mailing list, no further action is required.
- If you are not registered, please fill out the form below.
- If in doubt, we suggest to fill out the form below and click subscribe: the form will notify you if you try to register twice with the same email address.
Plenary speakers
- Olivier Faugeras (Inria Sophia Antipolis Méditerranée, France)
- Krešimir Josić (University of Houston, USA)
- Kathrin Ohla (HSU, University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg, Germany)
Minisymposium sessions
- Dynamic ion concentrations and neuronal network dynamics
Organiser: Jonathan Rubin (University of Pittsburgh, USA) - Dynamical transitions in heterogeneous and structurally anisotropic neural networks
Organiser: Kyle Wedgwood (University of Exeter, UK) - Large scale neural network modeling with probabilistic spiking units
Organiser: Christophe Pouzat (IRMA, Strasbourg, France) - Mathematical models of synaptic plasticity
Organiser: Olivier Faugeras (Inria Sophia Antipolis Méditerranée, France) - Mean-field models in neuroscience
Organiser: Romain Veltz (Inria Sophia Antipolis Méditerranée, France) - Next-generation neural mass models: from spiking neurons to populations
Organiser: Michael Forrester (University of Nottingham, UK) - Phase-amplitude reduction: Koopman and control
Organiser: Zachary Kilpatrick (University of Colorado Boulder, USA) - The mathematics of vision: from cortical-inspired modelling to perception
- Luca Calatroni (CNRS, I3S, Sophia Antipolis, France)
- Valentina Franceschi (Mathematics Department, University of Padua, Italy)
- Dario Prandi (CNRS, I2S, CentraleSupélec, Paris, France) - Statistical and Modeling problems in the study of spike trains
Organiser: Laura Sacerdote (University of Turin, Italy)
Contributed micro-talks
For this year's ICMNS2021 we are not offering posters or conventional contributed talks, but you are invited to contribute a "Micro-talk" which is a one slide, very short virtual presentation to the whole audience. The micro-talk session is followed by an opportunity to virtually meet other participants of ICMNS2021 for discussions about individual micro-talks.
Monday the 28th of June (times are GMT+2, Berlin time, time converter)
CHANNEL 1 YouTube | CHANNEL 2 YouTube | |
15:00- 15:55 |
Opening and Plenary talk Krešimir Josić Synaptic Plasticity in Correlated Balanced Networks |
16:00- 18:00 |
MS1 Dynamic ion concentrations and neuronal network dynamics Organiser: Jonathan Rubin |
MS2 Mean-field models in neuroscience Organiser: Romain Veltz |
David Terman A model for the dependence of neuronal firing on cerebral capillary blood flow |
Eva Löcherbach On metastability for systems of interacting neurons |
Ryan Phillips The effects of chloride dynamics on integration by basal ganglia output neuron |
Quentin Cormier Oscillations in a mean-field model of spiking neurons |
Louisiane Lemaire Mathematical Model of the Mutations of a Sodium Channel (NaV1.1) Capturing Both Migraine and Epilepsy Scenarios |
Halgurd Taher Exact neural mass model for synaptic-based working memory |
Geir Halnes Ion concentration dynamics in brain tissue: Effects on neurodynamics and extracellular potentials |
Xavier Erny Conditional propagation of chaos for mean field system of neurons |
Tuesday the 29th of June (times are GMT+2, Berlin time, time converter)
CHANNEL 1 YouTube | CHANNEL 2 YouTube | |
15:00- 15:55 |
Plenary talk Olivier Faugeras From vision to consciousness — a prospective mathematical perspective |
16:00- 18:00 |
MS3 Mathematical models of synaptic plasticity Organiser: Olivier Faugeras |
MS4 Phase-amplitude reduction: Koopman and control Organiser: Zack Kilpatrick |
Christine Grienberger Experience-dependent shaping of hippocampal representations |
Dan Wilson Optimal Control of Population-Level Oscillations Using an Adaptive Phase-Amplitude-Coordinate-Based Approach |
Gaëtan Vignoud On the Spontaneous Dynamics of Synaptic Weights in Stochastic Models |
Yangyang Wang Timing and shape responses of limit cycle with hard boundaries: application to neuromechanical control problems |
Pascal Helson Slow-fast and long time behaviour analysis of a neural network with stochastic STDP |
Alberto Perez Phase-amplitude reduction for stochastic oscillators |
Rahul Gupta Dynamical principles of synaptic receptor sharing across spines in a dendritic branch |
Zhuojun Yu A Homeostasis Criterion for Limit Cycle Systems Based on Infinitesimal Shape Response Curves |
18:00- 19:00 |
Panel discussion on the future of ICMNS |
Wednesday the 30th of June (times are GMT+2, Berlin time, time converter)
CHANNEL 1 YouTube | CHANNEL 2 YouTube | CHANNEL 3 YouTube | |
14:00- 16:00 |
MS5 Statistical and Modeling problems in the study of spike trains Organiser: Laura Sacerdote |
MS6 Next-generation neural mass models: from spiking neurons to populations Organiser: Michael Forrester |
MS7 The mathematics of vision: from cortical-inspired modelling to perception Organisers: Luca Calatroni, Valentina Franceschi, and Dario Prandi |
Bruno Toaldo A semi-Markov integrate and fire model for neuronal activity |
Tilo Schwalger Mean-field approaches to fluctuations in finite-size spiking neural networks |
Jean Petitot Cortical functional architectures and contact geometry |
Alessandra Stella Surrogate techniques for testing higher order correlations in parallel spike trains |
Simona Olmi Theta-Nested Gamma Oscillations in Next Generation Neural Mass Models |
Noemi Montobbio From receptive profiles to lateral connections in V1: a metric characterization |
Ryota Kobayashi Estimating synaptic connectivity from parallel spike train |
Matteo di Volo Emergence of collective oscillations in neural networks due to endogeneous fluctuations |
Alexey Mashtakov Liouville integrability in a four-dimensional model of the visual cortex |
Massimilano Tamborrino Shot noise, diffusion approximation and weak convergence |
Denis Goldobin A reduction methodology for fluctuation driven population dynamics |
Emre Baspinar A biologically-inspired model for Poggendorfftype illusions |
16:00- 17:00 |
Microtalks Session 1 | ||
17:00- 18:00 |
Microtalks Session 2 |
Thursday the 1st of July (times are GMT+2, Berlin time, time converter)
CHANNEL 1 YouTube | CHANNEL 2 YouTube | |
14:00- 15:00 |
Microtalks Session 3 | |
15:00- 17:00 |
MS8 Dynamical transitions in heterogeneous and structurally anisotropic neural networks Organiser: Kyle Wedgwood |
MS9 Large scale neural network modeling with probabilistic spiking units Organiser: Christophe Pouzat |
Alain Goriely Network dysfunction in neurodegenerative diseases |
Céline Duval Interacting Hawkes processes with multiplicative inhibition |
Daniel Galvis The effects of spatial non-uniformity of heterogeneous, excitable bursters on coordinated activity in a diffusively coupled 3D lattice |
Morgan André Working Memory and Metastability in a System of Spiking Neurons with Synaptic Plasticity |
Michael Forrester Simulating functional connectivity in a next-generation neural mass model of the human cortical network |
Anna Melnykova Theoretical analysis and simulation methods for Hawkes processes and their diffusion approximation |
Itamar Landau Macroscopic fluctuations emerge in balanced networks with incomplete recurrent alignment |
Nadia Belmabrouck A toy-model for for long-range interacting neurons without mean-field approach |
17:00- 17:55 |
Plenary talk Kathrin Ohla A matter of taste: Large-scale gustatory response patterns predict taste-related behavior |
Microtalks Session 1
Presenter | Title |
Flavio Rusch (University of São Paulo) | Modular Network of Galves-Löcherbach neurons |
Marco Aqil (Spinoza Centre for Neuroimaging) | Graph neural fields: A framework for spatiotemporal dynamical models on the human connectome |
Klavdia Zemlianova (New York University) | Biophysical Counting Mechanism for Keeping Time |
Kevin Berlemont (Center of Neural Science, NYU) | Glassy phase in dynamically balanced networks |
Muhammad Abdulla (University of Florida) | Dynamics of ramping bursts in a respiratory neuron model |
Marc de Kamps (University of Leeds) | Population Density Techniques - Beyond Fokker-Planck |
Nataliya Stankevich (HSE University) | Stabilization of steady state in Multiplex heterogeneous networks of neuron-like models with bistability |
Anton Chizhov (Ioffe Institute, St.Petersburg, Russia) | Simplest biophysical representation of epileptic discharges |
Gloria Cecchini (University of Barcelona) | Mean-field model of consequential reward-driven decision making |
Hazem Toutounji (School of Psychology, University of Nottingham) | Simple Model of Neural Autapse Reconciles Diverse Experimental Observations |
Gabriel Ocker (Boston University), | Decomposition of higher-order correlation tensors by nonlinear Hebbian learning |
Microtalks Session 2
Presenter | Title |
Osame Kinouchi (Universidade de São Paulo) | Homeostatic criticality by adaptive neuronal thresholds |
Victor Buendia (Univ. Tübingen, Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics) | Jensen’s force and the origin of asynchronous irregular states |
Joel Tabak (University of Exeter) | Synaptic pulse duration determines phase difference between asymmetrically coupled oscillators |
Marie Kotikova (The Ioffe Institute, Russia) | Neuronal membrane deformation accompanying an action potential is governed by hyperbolic equations |
Vasilii Tiselko (Sechenov Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry of Russian Academy of Sciences, Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences) | Neural response retention and apparent motion effects provided by visual cortex neurons |
Marie Levakova (University of Copenhagen) | Cointegration analysis of EEG signals |
Tomas Barta (Institute of Physiology, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague; Charles University in Prague, First Medical Faculty; Institute of Ecology and Environmental Sciences, INRAE, Versailles, France) | Precise spike-timing can be achieved by increasing inhibitory input |
Goncalo dos Reis (university of Edinburgh) | Numerics for McKean Vlasov equations for neurocience models |
Leonid Rubchinsky (Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis and Indiana University School of Medicine) | Channel noise and fine temporal structure of intermittent synchronization of synaptically coupled neurons. |
Janus RL Kobbersmed (Department of Mathematical Sciences and Department of Neuroscience, University of Copenhagen) | An experiment-based model of synaptotagmin as an allosteric cross-linking calcium-sensor triggering neurotransmitter release |
Lena Salfenmoser (Technical University of Berlin) | Nonlinear optimal control of neural populations |
Microtalks Session 3
Presenter | Title |
Maryeme Ouafoudi (JKU, Linz) | An Illustration of the Splitting-Multilevel Particle Filtering on the FitzHugh-Nagumo Model |
Robert Gowers (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin) | Neuronal Morphology Influences Spike Generation and Excitability Type |
Len Spek (University of Twente) | The effect of gap junctions on Neural Fields with Transmission Delays |
Weronika Wojtak (University of Minho) | Multiple bumps in a neural field model with a “Mexican hat” connectivity |
Pamela Pyzza (Kenyon College) | Coarse graining an idealized insect olfaction model |
Andre Peterson (University of Melbourne) | Consequences of Dale’s law on the stability-complexity relationship of random neural networks |
Catalina Vich (Universitat de les Illes Balears) | Mapping neural activity and behavioral data |
Rainer Engelken (Center for Theoretical Neuroscience, Columbia University) | Input correlations impede suppression of chaos and learning in balanced rate networks |
Claudia Fonte Sánchez (CEREMADE, Paris-Dauphine University, France.) | Long time behavior of an age and leaky memory-structured neuronal population equation |
Kyle Schick-Poland (University of Goettingen) | Awaited A partial information decomposition for discrete and continuous variables |
Gemma Huguet (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya) | Oscillatory dynamics and neuronal communication for exact firing rate models |
Youssra Souli (Johannes Kepler University, Linz) | The dynamics of olfactory receptor neuron responses in a moth |
Organising Committee
- Peter Ashwin (University of Exeter, UK)
- Daniele Avitabile (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Inria MatheNeuro Team, Sophia Antipolis Méditerranée, France
- Evelyn Buckwar (Johannes Kepler University, Austria, and Lund University, Sweden)
- Grégory Faye (CNRS, University Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France)
- Eva Löcherbach (Université Paris 1, Panthéon Sorbonne, France)
- Wilhelm Stannat (Technische Universität Berlin, Germany)
- Etienne Tanré (Inria Sophia Antipolis Méditerranée, France)
- Peter J. Thomas (Case Western Reserve University, USA)