List of publications
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- D. Avitabile, James MacLaurin, Neural Fields and Noise-Induced Patterns in Neurons on Large Disordered Networks, 2024, eprint arXiv:2408.12540 Details...
- Ciceri, S., Oude Lohuis, N., Rottschafer, V., Pennartz, C., Avitabile, D., van Gaal, S., Olcese, U. The neural and computational architecture of feedback dynamics in mouse cortex during stimulus report, biorxiv 10.1101/2023.07.19.549692 Details...
- Bellows, S., Janes, G., Avitabile, D., King, J. R., Bishopp, A., Farcot, E., 2023, Fluctuations in auxin levels depend upon synchronicity of cell divisions in a one-dimensional model of auxin transport, bioRxiv 10.1101/2023.05.18.541266. Details...
Journal articles
- D. Avitabile, Nikolai V. Chemetov, Pedro M. Lima, Well-Posedness and Regularity of Solutions to Neural Field Problems with Dendritic Processing, 2024, Journal of Nonlinear Sciences 34, 74 Details...
- Avitabile D, Projection methods for Neural Field Equations, 2023..SIAM Journal on Numerical AnalysisVol. 61(2). Details...
- Wojtak, W., Coombes, S., Avitabile, D., Bicho, E., Erlhagen, W, Robust working memory in a two-dimensional continuous attractor network, 2023, Cognitive Neurodynamics, Details...
- Avitabile D, Davis J. L., Wedgwood K. C. A. Bump attractors and waves in networks of leaky integrate-and-fire neurons, 2022. SIAM Review, 65(1), pp.147-182. Details...
- Avitabile, D., Desroches, M. and Ermentrout, G.B., 2022. Cross-scale excitability in networks of quadratic integrate-and-fire neurons. PLoS Comput Biol 18(10): e1010569. Details...
- Taher, H., Avitabile, D. and Desroches, M., 2022. Bursting in a next generation neural mass model with synaptic dynamics: a slow-fast approach, Nonlinear Dynamics, 10.1007/s11071-022-07406-6 Details...
- Nicks, R., Cocks, A., Avitabile, D., Johnston, A. and Coombes, S., 2021. Understanding Sensory Induced Hallucinations: From Neural Fields to Amplitude Equations. SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems, 20(4), pp.1683-1714. Details...
- Baspinar, E., Avitabile, D. and Desroches, M., 2021. Canonical models for torus canards in elliptic bursters. Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, 31(6), p.063129. Details...
- Wojtak, W., Coombes, S., Avitabile, D., Bicho, E. and Erlhagen, W., 2021. A dynamic neural field model of continuous input integration. Biological Cybernetics, 115(5), pp.451-471. Details...
- Whiteley, T.D., Avitabile, D, Siebers, P., Robinson, D., and Owen, M. R, 2022, Modelling the emergence of cities and urban patterning using coupled integro-differential equations. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 19, 190. Details...
- Avitabile, D., Desroches, M., Veltz, R. and Wechselberger, M., 2020. Local theory for spatio-temporal canards and delayed bifurcations. SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, 52(6), pp.5703-5747. Details...
- Avitabile, D., Lima, P., and Coombes, S., 2020. A numerical scheme for neural field models including dendritic processing. Journal of Computational Dynamics, 7(2): 271-290. Details...
- Schmidt, H. and Avitabile, D., 2020. Bumps and Oscillsons in Networks of Spiking Neurons. Chaos 30, 033133 Details...
- Gökçe, A., Coombes, S., and Avitabile, D. 2020. Quasicrystal patterns in a neural field model. Physical Review Research 2, 013234. Details...
- Ross, J., Margetts, M., Bojak, I., Nicks, R., Avitabile, D. and Coombes, S., 2020, Brain-wave equation incorporating axodendritic connectivity. Physical Review E, 101 (2), 022411 Details...
- Baldemir, H., Avitabile, D. and Tsaneva-Atanasova, K., 2020. Pseudo-plateau bursting and mixed-mode oscillations in a model of developing inner hair cells. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 80, p.104979. Details...
- Byrne, Á., Avitabile, D. and Coombes, S., 2019. Next-generation neural field model: The evolution of synchrony within patterns and waves. Physical Review E, 99(1), p.012313. Details...
- Schmidt, H., Avitabile, D., Montbrió, E. and Roxin, A., 2018. Network mechanisms underlying the role of oscillations in cognitive tasks. PLoS computational biology, 14(9), p.e1006430. Details...
- Avitabile, D., Bren͂a, V.F. and Ward, M.J., 2018. Spot dynamics in a reaction-diffusion model of plant root hair initiation. SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 78(1), pp.291-319. Details...
- Cox, B.S., Groh, R.M.J., Avitabile, D. and Pirrera, A., 2018. Modal nudging in nonlinear elasticity: Tailoring the elastic post-buckling behaviour of engineering structures. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 116, pp.135-149. Details...
- Cox, B.S., Groh, R.M., Avitabile, D. and Pirrera, A., 2018. Exploring the design space of nonlinear shallow arches with generalised path-following. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 143, pp.1-10. Details...
- Groh, R.M.J., Avitabile, D. and Pirrera, A., 2018. Generalised path-following for well-behaved nonlinear structures. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 331, pp.394-426. Details...
- Joshi, T.V., Avitabile, D. and Owen, M.R., 2018. Capturing the dynamics of a hybrid multiscale cancer model with a continuum model. Bulletin of mathematical biology, 80(6), pp.1435-1475. Details...
- Avitabile, D., Desroches, M. and Knobloch, E., 2017. Spatiotemporal canards in neural field equations. Physical Review E, 95(4), p.042205. Details...
- Esnaola-Acebes, J.M., Roxin, A., Avitabile, D. and Montbrió, E., 2017. Synchrony-induced modes of oscillation of a neural field model. Physical Review E, 96(5), p.052407. Details...
- Gökçe, A., Avitabile, D. and Coombes, S., 2017. The dynamics of neural fields on bounded domains: an interface approach for dirichlet boundary conditions. The Journal of Mathematical Neuroscience, 7(1), p.12. Details...
- Avitabile, D., Desroches, M., Knobloch, E. and Krupa, M., 2017. Ducks in space: from nonlinear absolute instability to noise-sustained structures in a pattern-forming system. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 473(2207), p.20170018. Details...
- Avitable, D. and Wedgwood, K.C., 2017. Macroscopic coherent structures in a stochastic neural network: from interface dynamics to coarse-grained bifurcation analysis. Journal of mathematical biology, 75(4), pp.885-928. Details...
- Avitabile, D., Słowiński, P., Bardy, B. and Tsaneva-Atanasova, K., 2016. Beyond in-phase and anti-phase coordination in a model of joint action. Biological cybernetics, 110(2-3), pp.201-216. Details...
- Iosub, R., Avitabile, D., Grant, L., Tsaneva-Atanasova, K. and Kennedy, H.J., 2015. Calcium-induced calcium release during action potential firing in developing inner hair cells. Biophysical journal, 108(5), pp.1003-1012. Details...
- Draelants, D., Avitabile, D. and Vanroose, W., 2015. Localized auxin peaks in concentration-based transport models of the shoot apical meristem. Journal of The Royal Society Interface, 12(106), p.20141407. Details...
- Bren͂a-Medina, V.F., Avitabile, D., Champneys, A.R. and Ward, M.J., 2015. Stripe to spot transition in a plant root hair initiation model. SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 75(3), pp.1090-1119. Details...
- Avitabile, D. and Schmidt, H., 2015. Snakes and ladders in an inhomogeneous neural field model. Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 294, pp.24-36. Details...
- Avitabile, D., Hoyle, R. and Samaey, G., 2014. Noise reduction in coarse bifurcation analysis of stochastic agent-based models: an example of consumer lock-in. SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems, 13(4), pp.1583-1619. Details...
- Rankin, J., Avitabile, D., Baladron, J., Faye, G. and Lloyd, D.J., 2014. Continuation of localized coherent structures in nonlocal neural field equations. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 36(1), pp.B70-B93. Details...
- Penn, A.S., Knight, C.J., Lloyd, D.J., Avitabile, D., Kok, K., Schiller, F., Woodward, A., Druckman, A. and Basson, L., 2013. Participatory development and analysis of a fuzzy cognitive map of the establishment of a bio-based economy in the Humber region. PloS one, 8(11), p.e78319. Details...
- Avitabile, D., Desroches, M. and Rodrigues, S., 2012. On the numerical continuation of isolas of equilibria. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 22(11), p.1250277. Details...
- Hoyle, R.B., Avitabile, D. and Kierzek, A.M., 2012. Equation-free analysis of two-component system signalling model reveals the emergence of co-existing phenotypes in the absence of multistationarity. PLoS computational biology, 8(6), p.e1002396. Details...
- Schlömer, N., Avitabile, D. and Vanroose, W., 2012. Numerical bifurcation study of superconducting patterns on a square. SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems, 11(1), pp.447-477. Details...
- Pirrera, A., Avitabile, D. and Weaver, P.M., 2012. On the thermally induced bistability of composite cylindrical shells for morphing structures. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 49(5), pp.685-700. Details...
- Champneys, A.R., Avitabile, D., Homer, M. and Szalai, R., 2011. The mechanics of hearing: a comparative case study in bio-mathematical modelling. The ANZIAM Journal, 52(3), pp.225-249. Details...
- Wales, C., Gaitonde, A.L., Jones, D.P., Avitabile, D. and Champneys, A.R., 2012. Numerical continuation of high Reynolds number external flows. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 68(2), pp.135-159. Details...
- Pirrera, A., Avitabile, D. and Weaver, P.M., 2011. Numerical continuation of bistable composite cylindrical shells. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Engineering and Computational Mechanics, 164(3), pp.147-153. Details...
- Pirrera, A., Avitabile, D. and Weaver, P.M., 2010. Bistable plates for morphing structures: a refined analytical approach with high-order polynomials. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 47(25-26), pp.3412-3425. Details...
- Avitabile, D., Lloyd, D.J., Burke, J., Knobloch, E. and Sandstede, B., 2010. To snake or not to snake in the planar Swift–Hohenberg equation. SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems, 9(3), pp.704-733. Details...
- Avitabile, D. and Bridges, T.J., 2010. Numerical implementation of complex orthogonalization, parallel transport on Stiefel bundles, and analyticity. Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 239(12), pp.1038-1047. Details...
- Avitabile, D., Homer, M., Champneys, A.R., Jackson, J.C. and Robert, D., 2009. Mathematical modelling of the active hearing process in mosquitoes. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 7(42), pp.105-122. Details...
- Lloyd, D.J., Sandstede, B., Avitabile, D. and Champneys, A.R., 2008. Localized hexagon patterns of the planar Swift–Hohenberg equation. SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems, 7(3), pp.1049-1100. Details...
- Gardes, F.Y., Tsakmakidis, K.L., Thomson, D., Reed, G.T., Mashanovich, G.Z., Hess, O. and Avitabile, D., 2007. Micrometer size polarisation independent depletion-type photonic modulator in Silicon On Insulator. Optics express, 15(9), pp.5879-5884. Details...
Book chapters
- Gökçe, A., Avitabile, D. and Coombes, 2020. Labyrinthine Structures in a Neural Field Model, in The Art of Theoretical Biology, Editors: Matthäus, F., Matthäus, S., Harris, S., Hillen, Th. Details...
- A. Gökçe, S. Coombes, D. Avitabile Neural Fields: Localised States with Piece-Wise Constant Interactions. In: Naldi G., Nieus T. (eds) Mathematical and Theoretical Neuroscience. Springer INdAM Series, vol 24. Springer, 2017. Details...
- S. Coombes, H. Schmidt and D. Avitabile. Spots: Breathing, drifting and scattering in a neural field model. Neural Field Theory, Ed. S. Coombes, P. beim Graben, R. Potthast and J.J. Wright, Springer Verlag, 2013. Details...
Conference proceedings
- C. Szostek, D. Avitabile and K. Tsaneva-Atanasova. Equation free stability analysis of automated algorithmic trading. European Conference on Complex Systems, Brussels, Belgium, 2012. Details...
- D. Avitabile, M. Homer, J. Jackson, D. Robert, A. R. Champneys. Modelling the active hearing process in mosquitoes. Mechanics of hearing 2011, Williamstown, Massachusetts, USA, 2011. Details...
- D. Avitabile, M. Desroches, S. Rodrigues. Numerical continuation of isolas of equilibria. Mini-Symposium on Computational Methods, 7th European Nonlinear Dynamics Conference, Rome, Italy, 2011. Details...
- A. Pirrera, D. Avitabile, P. Weaver. On the Thermally-Induced Bistability of Composite Panels for Morphing Applications. Deformation and Fracture of Composites, Cambridge, UK, 2011. Details...
- A. Pirrera, D. Avitabile, P. Weaver. Bistability of composite cylindrical shells. 17th International Conference on Composite Materials, Edinburgh, UK, 2009. Details...