ICMNS 2024 - Poster Sessions
Poster Session 1
Tuesday the 11th of June at 16:30, Gardiner Atrium
Robert Allen - Phase-Isostable Reduction of Oscillatory Neural Mass Networks with Delays in local dynamics and network connections
Diego Becerra - Information integration (Φ-ID) and high order interactions in Caenorhabditis elegans sleep-wakefulness neural dynamics
Oliver Cattell - Travelling fronts in a generalised neural field model that couples to the extracellular space
Jordan Culp - A Markovian neural barcode representing mesoscale cortical spatiotemporal dynamics
Michel Davydov - Propagation of chaos and Poisson Hypothesis for replica-mean-field models of intensity-based neural networks
Rodrigo Echeveste - Calibrated variational inference for low-level visual perception
Luc Falorsi - Population density dynamics of spiking neurons with absolute refractory period
Niamh Fennelly - Mean-field approximations for networks with synaptic plasticity
Camille Godin - Deciphering the Effects of Transcranial Electrical Stimulation with an Izhikevich Spiking Network
Ruaraí Goodfellow - Stability Analysis of the Coombes-Byrne Model
Maria Guasch-Morgades - Multiparameter optimization for whole-brain model personalization
Ryosuke Hosaka - Liquid state machines with inhibitory synaptic STDP learning
Akke Mats Houben Excitation-to-inhibition ratio determines pattern forming instability type in networks of pulse coupled phase oscillators
Henry Kerr - Analysing travelling waves & wave packets in laterally-inhibited grids of integrate-and-fire neurons
Fernando Lehue - Emergence and occupation of dynamical brain states in different states of consciousness using a biophysical model
Èlia Lleal-Custey - Modeling plasticity for Neural Mass Models under tES
Pedro Maia - Terminal patterns: a data-driven analysis of the brain's last signals
Ana Mayora-Cebollero - Bifurcation and Arnol'd tongue structure of a next generation neural mass model: the effect of gap junction coupling
Carmen Mayora-Cebollero - Adaptive Coupling in Mean-Field Models of Neural Populations
Khadija Meddouni - Particle Filters for neural field equations
Nima Mirkhani - Mathematical model of coupled oscillators to predict the effects of phase-locked stimulation
Morten Gram Pedersen - Revisiting mixed-mode oscillations due to mutual inhibition in neuronal systems
Anca Radulescu - Dynamics of coupled Wilson-Cowan systems with distributed delays
Safura Rashid Shomali - Higher-order interactions reveal the hidden shared motifs across mouse brain regions
Lena Salfenmoser - Optimal control of oscillations and synchrony in nonlinear models of neural population dynamics
Natalie Schieferstein - Linear response of escape-noise models depending on hazard function
Oleg Senkevich - Stochastic gene expression drives correlated synaptic noise
Bhanu Sharma - Emergent dynamics in an astrocyte-neuronal network coupled via nitric oxide
Ronja Strömsdörfer - The Wilson-Cowan neural field model with non-linear adaptation for traveling waves of slow oscillations
Hélène Todd - The role of gap junctions and clustered connectivity in emergent synchronisation patterns of spiking inhibitory neuronal networks
Hannah van Susteren - A biophysical model of neuronal dynamics and synaptic transmission during energy deprivation
Xiaoqi Xu - Analysis on EEG spatiotemporal patterns via Laplacian eigenmodes
Viktoria Zemliak - Continual familiarity detection in spiking neural networks
Poster Session 2
Wednesday the 12th of June at 16:30, Gardiner Atrium
Daniele Andrean - The Schwann cell hug: mere support or active player in the neuromuscular junction’s efficiency?
Logan Becker - Full moment and co-variability analysis of conductance-based neuron models
Rebecca Brady - Recurrent Cortical Detection Models to Assess Multisensory Mechanisms in an Audio-Visual Reaction-Time Task
John Butler - Mathematical Modelling of Visual-Vestibular Neuronal Processing and Behavioural Responses
Jennifer Crodelle - A functional role for stage II retinal waves on the receptive field development of neurons in primary visual cortex
Farzaneh Darki - Touch stimulation to enhance separation of sound sources
Rosa Maria Delicado Moll - Excitatory and Inhibitory synaptic conductances. How can they be estimated?
Jérôme Emonet - A Retino-cortical model of anticipation
Matthew Fellows - Reduced descriptions of oscillatory neural field models via higher order phase interaction functions
Richard Foster - Modeling human temporal EEG responses to VR visual stimuli
Rainer Engelken - A time-resolved theory of chaos suppression and information encoding in recurrent neural networks
Nils Erik Greveni - Mesoscopic dynamics of spiking neural networks with stochastic rewiring
Devika Khurana - First-passage times of SDEs to curved boundaries
Pedro Lima - Existence results and estimates for neural fields with diffusion
Matteo Martin - Analysis of Mixed-Mode Oscillations in Cortical Neurons: the role of M and HCN channels
Victor Matveev - Effects of Ca2+ buffers with multiple binding sites on Ca2+ signals and synaptic facilitation
James McAllister - Heterosynaptic plasticity rules induce small-world topologies
Hil Meijer - On choosing activation functions for neural fields
Diego Pazó - Discontinuous transition to chaos in a canonical random neural network
Alina Podschun - Does the rich club control brain state transitions? A network control theoretical investigation
Georg Reich - Temporally Asymmetric Hebbian Learning is All You Need for Forward and Reverse Replay
Flavio R. Rusch - Topology Influence on the Critical Behavior of Modular Hierarchical Networks of Stochastic Neurons
Maria Luisa Saggio - Bifurcations and bursting in the Epileptor
Kazuya Sawada - Detecting causality between neural spike trains by mutual prediction of inter-spike intervals
Helmut Schmidt - The effect of frequency filtering and noise on functional brain connectivity and its relation to brain structure
Andrew Shannon - Next Generation Neural Mass Models Reproduce Features of Neural Speech Processing.
Brian Skelly - A mean field model for beta bursts and non-averaged neural data
Anna Thomas - Computational model investigating the role of rodent substantia nigra pars reticulata projections to pedunculopontine nucleus in long-term motor recovery in Parkinsonian rodents
Ka Nap Tse - Understanding Neuronal Clustering through Evolution of Adaptation Distribution
Yota Tsukamoto - Outstanding pattern discrimination ability of spatiotemporal learning rule
Pablo Vizcaíno García - Validating the use of simplified models for studying gap junction coupling in the brain
Marius Yamakou - Diversity-Induced Decoherence in a Slow-Fast Neuron Model