Bump attractors and waves in networks of integrate-and-fire neurons
Invited Talk
World Congress on Computational Mechanics, Yokohama, 2022.
August 2022
Invited lectures and tutorials
- Numerical and Analytical Methods for Spatially-Extended Neurobiological Networks, A series of masterclass lectures at Centre for Complex Systems Studies, University of Utrecht, May 2024 Details...
- Daniele Avitabile, Numerical Computation of Coherent Structures in Spatially-Extended Systems, 2020. Details...
- Pattern formation in spatially-extended systems: theory and computations. Lectures for the XI Summer Mathematics Workshop. University of Brasilia, Brasil, 2019. Details...
- Lecture for the Winter School on Deterministic and Stochastic Models in Neuroscience. Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse, France, 2017. Details...
- Numerical methods for computing patterns in infinite-dimensional, spatially-extended dynamical systems. Lectures at the Universidad Nacional Autonóma de México (Campus Morelia) and Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (Mexico City). Mexico City, Mexico, 2017. Details...
- Numerical bifurcation analysis for spatially-extended neural networks. Tutorial for the International Conference for Mathematical Neuroscience. Nice, France, 2016. Details...
- Numerical computation of coherent structures in spatially-extended systems. Lectures at the LMS Invited Lecturer 2016 School on "Dynamics, Patterns and Spatially Localised Structures" Loughborough University, 2016. Details...
- Multi-dimensional Localised Structures Institute for Mathematics and its Applications. Minnesota, United States, 2013. Details...
- Application of Coarse-grained Bifurcation Analysis to Sociological Agent-based Models. Institute for Mathematics and its Applications, Minnesota, United States, 2013. Details...
- Numerical continuation of coherent structures in reaction–diffusion systems. Short course "Numerical Continuation with AUTO" CWI Amsterdam, the Netherland, 2011. Details...
Invited talks
- Uncertainty Quantification in Neurobiological Networks. Seminar, Department of Mathematics, University of Leiden, 2024. Details...
- Uncertainty Quantification in Neurobiological Networks. Workshop on Uncertainty and Dynamics in Biological and Healthcare, Exeter University, 2024. Details...
- Projection methods for neural field equations. Seminar, Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics, TU Delft, Delft, 2024. Details...
- Waves and Bumps in networks of integrate-and-fire neurons. Seminar, Department of Mathematics, Boston University, Boston, 2023. Details...
- Waves and Bumps in networks of integrate-and-fire neurons. Seminar, Seminar, Brandeis University, Waltham, 2023. Details...
- Uncertainty Quantification in Neurobiological Networks. Invited talk at the workshop on Topics on Neuroscience, Collective Migration and Parameter Estimation, Oxford, 2023. Details...
- Projection methods for neural field equations. Seminar, Division of Applied Mathematics, Brown University, Providence, 2024 Details...
- Seminar, Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Colorado Boulder, Boulder, 2023. Details...
- This is not a bump. Seminar, Institute for Computational and Experimental Research in Mathematics, Providence, 2023 Details...
- Waves and Bumps in networks of integrate-and-fire neurons. Seminar, New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, 2023. Details...
- Uncertainty Quantification in Neurobiological Networks. Invited talk at the workshop on Mathematical Challenges in Neuronal Network Dynamics, ICERM, Providence, 2023. Details...
- Uncertainty Quantification in Neurobiological Networks. Invited talk at the Lorentz Centre Workshop on Uncertainty Quantification for Healthcare and Biological Systems, Leiden 2023. Details...
- Uncertainty Quantification in Neurobiological Networks. Invited talk at the 14th Conference on Dynamical Systems Applied to Biology and Natural Sciences,, Bilbao, 2023. Details...
- Uncertainty Quantification in Neurobiological Networks. Invited talk at the NDNS+ Meeting, Twente, 2023 Details...
- Waves and Bumps in networks of integrate-and-fire neurons. Seminar, Engineering Mathematics Department of Bristol University, Bristol, 2023. Details...
- This is not a bump. Seminar, Mathematics Department of Namur University, Namur, 2023. Details...
- Uncertainty Quantification in Neurobiological Networks. Invited talk at the ChaMaNe (Challenges in Mathematics emerging from Neurosciences) Workshop, Paris, 2023 Details...
- Uncertainty Quantification in Neurobiological Networks. Seminar talk at the Seminar at Politecnico di Milano, Milan, 2023. Details...
- Projection methods for neurobiological networks. Invited talk at the SIAM Conference on Nonlinear Waves and Coherent Structures, Bremen, 2022 Details...
- This is not a bump. Invited talk at the Workshop on Opening the can of large scale cortical dynamics: Theoretical and Experimental Tools, Nijmegen, 2022. Details...
- Bump attractors and waves in networks of integrate-and-fire neurons. Invited talk at the World Congress on Computational Mechanics, Yokohama, 2022. Details...
- Projection Methods for Spatially-Extended Neurobiological Models. Invited Minisymposium Talk at SIAM NWCS22 Details...
- Projection Methods for Neurobiological Networks. Talk at the "Mathematical modeling of organization in living matter", Institute Henri Poincaré, 2022. Details...
- Projection methods for neurobiological networks. Invited talk at the Workshop Mathematical Modeling and Statistical Analysis in Neuroscience, Paris, 2022. Details...
- Canards and Slow Passage Through Bifurcations in Infinite-Dimensional Dynamical Systems. Lowlands Seminars 2021 Details...
- Canards and Slow Passage Through Bifurcations in Infinite-Dimensional Dynamical Systems. Talk at the Dutch Mathematics Congress 2021 Details...
- Invited talk at the Bilbao Neuroscience and Computational Biology Workshop, Bilbao, Spain, May 2020. Details...
- This is not a bump. Colloquium talk at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2020 Details...
- This is not a bump. Seminar talk at the University of Edinburgh, UK, November 2019. Details...
- Computing coherent structures in spiking neural networks using interfacial dynamics. Invited seminar talk at the University of Oxford. University of Oxford, 2019. Details...
- From interface dynamics to coarse-grained computations in spatially-extended neural networks. Seminar, Department of Mathematics. Heriot Watt University, 2018. Details...
- “Localised turbulence” in a networks of spatially-extended integrate-and-fire neurons. Perspectives in Nonlinear Sciences. Cargese, France, 2018. Details...
- Transitions from Localised Multiple-spike Waves to Bumps in Spatially-extended Networks of Integrate-and-Fire Neurons. Minisymposium talk at the SIAM Conference on Nonlinear Waves and Coherent Structures. Orange County, California, USA, 2018. Details...
- Do networks of integrate-and-fire neurons support localised spatiotemporal chaos? SDG Workshop on Dynamical systems - theory and applications. Sydney, Australia, 2018. Details...
- Do networks of integrate-and-fire neurons support localised spatiotemporal chaos? Seminar at the School of Mathematical Sciences and Statistics. University of Sheffield, UK, 2018. Details...
- From interface dynamics to coarse-grained computations in spatially-extended neural networks. Seminar at the Department of Mathematics. University of Leicester, UK, 2018. Details...
- Bumps and waves in models of integrate-and-fire neurons. Seminar at the Université Côte d’Azure. Nice, France, 2018. Details...
- Numerical computation of coherent structures in stochastic neural networks: from interface dynamics to coarse-grained bifurcation analysis. Seminar at the Autonomous Technological Institute of Mexico (ITAM). Autonomous Technological Institute of Mexico (ITAM), UK, 2017. Details...
- Numerical computation of coherent structures in spatially-extended systems. Seminar at the Autonomous Technological Institute of Mexico (ITAM). Autonomous Technological Institute of Mexico (ITAM), Mexico, 2017. Details...
- Spatio-temporal canards in neural field models. Seminar at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). University of Mexico (UNAM), Mexico, 2017. Details...
- Analysing coherent structures via interfacial dynamics: from spatio-temporal canards to coarsegrained computations. Seminar at the Centre de Recerca Matemàtica. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain, 2017. Details...
- Numerical computation of coherent structures in stochastic neural networks: from interface dynamics to coarse-grained bifurcation analysis. Seminar at the University of Newcastle. University of Newcastle, UK, 2017. Details...
- Analysing coherent structures via interfacial dynamics: from spatio-temporal canards to coarsegrained computations. Seminar at the University of Liverpool. University of Liverpool, UK, 2017. Details...
- Canards in neural field equations. Minisymposium talk at the SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems. Snowbird, Utah, 2017. Details...
- Canards in neural field equations. Talk at the 3rd International Conference on Mathematical Neuroscience. Boulder, Colorado, USA, 2017. Details...
- Localised structures in neural networks: from interface methods to multi-scale computations. Seminar. School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Southampton, 2016. Details...
- Coarse-grained bifurcation analysis of coherent structures in spatially-extended neural networks. Seminar. Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Essex, 2016. Details...
- Coherent structures in neural networks: from interface methods to multi-scale computations. Talks at the International Conference for Mathematical Neuroscience. Nice, France, 2016. Details...
- Multiple Scales in spatially-extended neural networks. Minisymposium talk at the European Conference on Mathematical and Theoretical Biology. Nottingham, 2016. Details...
- Numerical computation of coherent structures in stochastic neural networks: from interface dynamics to coarse-grained bifurcation analysis. Minisymposium talk at the Bernstein Conference. Berlin, Germany, 2016. Details...
- Localised structures in nonlocal neural field models. Seminar. School of Mathematics, University of Birmingham, 2015. Details...
- Localised structures in heterogeneous spatially-extended neural networks. Seminar. Technical University of Denmark, 2015. Details...
- Localised structures in nonlocal neural field models. Seminar, Center for Nonlinear Science. Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität, Münster, 2015. Details...
- Coarse-grained bifurcation analysis in Agent-Based Models. Seminar. INRIA Lyon, 2015. Details...
- Lifting using weights: coarse bifurcation-analysis of Agent Based Models. Seminar. Department of Mathematics, Durham University, Durham, 2014. Details...
- The formation of stationary localised solutions in 1D and 2D integral neural field models. Minisymposium talk at the British Applied Mathematics Colloquium. University of Cardiff, 2014. Details...
- Lifting using weights: coarse bifurcation-analysis of Agent Based Models. Seminar. Department of Mathematics, Imperial College, London, 2014. Details...
- Localised structures in nonlocal neural field models. Seminar. School of Mathematics, University of Leeds, 2014. Details...
- Detection of coarse-grained activity in Networks with nonlocal coupling. Seminar. Department of Mathematics, Heriot Watt University., 2014. Details...
- To snake or not to snake in the planar Swift–Hohenberg equation. Seminar. Department of Mathematics, University of Loughborough, 2013. Details...
- Lifting Using Weights: Coarse-grained Bifurcation Analysis in Agent Based Models. SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems. Snowbird, Utah, 2013. Details...
- Localised states in nonlocal neural field equations. PANDA Meeting. University of Surrey, 2013. Details...
- Coarse-grained bifurcation analysis for agent-based models. Multiscale Modelling in Medicine and Biology. University of Nottingham, 2012. Details...
- Weighted lifting in coarse-grained bifurcation analysis of agent-based models. XXXII Dynamic Days Europe. University of Gothenburg, Sweden, 2012. Details...
- Coarse-grained bifurcation analysis for agent-based models. Seminar. Department of Mathematics, University of Loughborough, 2012. Details...
- Snakes, ladders and oscillons. Seminar. Department of Mathematics, University of Portsmouth, 2011. Details...
- Localised states in planar reaction–diffusion systems. Seminar. Department of Computer Science, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, 2011. Details...
- Numerical Continuation: Theory and Applications. Seminar. Université Pierre et Marie Curie, 2011. Details...
- Active hearing processes in mosquitoes: from mesoscopic to macroscopic models. Seminar. Department of Mathematics, University of Surrey, 2011. Details...
- Equation-free methods for numerical continuation in agent-based models. PANDA Meeting. University of Surrey, 2011. Details...
- Continuation of oscillons in an autonomous system of reaction–diffusion equations. Invited talk at the SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems. Snowbird, Utah, 2011. Details...
- Equation-free methods in sociological models. Department of Sociology, Modelling and Simulation. ETH, Zürich, 2011. Details...
- To snake or not to snake in the planar Swift–Hohenberg equation. Seminar. School of Mathematics, University of Manchester, UK, 2011. Details...
- Oscillatory localised patterns in reaction–diffusion equations. Seminar. Department of Mathematics, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, 2010. Details...
- Snakes, worms and hot spots. Seminar. Aerothermochemistry and Combustion Systems Laboratory, ETH, Zürich, 2010. Details...
- To snake or not to snake in the planar Swift–Hohenberg equation. Seminar. School of Mathematics, University of Nottingham, 2010. Details...
- Snaking and non-snaking planar patterns. Entry for the DSWeb Media Gallery, Patterns and Simulations. , 2010. Details...
- To snake or not to snake in the planar Swift–Hohenberg equation. Seminar. Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Exeter, 2010. Details...
- To snake or not to snake in the planar Swift-Hohenberg equation. SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems. Snowbird, Utah, 2009. Details...
- Active hearing processes in mosquitoes: from mesoscopic to macroscopic models. MACSI Seminar. Department of Mathematics, University of Limerick, 2009. Details...
- Numerical continuation of fully two-dimensional localised patterns. SIAM Conference on Nonlinear Waves and Coherent Structures. Rome, 2008. Details...
- Continuing coherent structures with TRILINOS. PANDA Meeting. Nottingham, 2007. Details...
Organisation of minisymposia and meetings
- International Conference on Mathematical Neuroscience 2024. Details...
- Uncertainty Quantification for Healthcare and Biological Systems. Three-part minisymposium at the SIAM Conference on Uncertainty Quantification, Trieste, 2024 Details...
- Uncertainty Quantification for Healthcare and Biological Systems. Lorentz Centre Workshop, Leiden, 2023. Details...
- Advances in Mathematical Neuroscience: Data, Models, and Dynamics. Workshop at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam, 2022. Details...
- Bridging the Gap: from Brain Mechanics to Brain Dynamics, Lorentz Centre Workshop, Leiden, 2022. Details...
- Neurodynamics: Investigations of Memory, Plasticity, Epilepsy, and Alzheimer's. Minisymposium at SIAM LS22 Details...
- Multiple Timescale Analysis in Spatially-Extended Systems. Minisymposium at SIAM NWCS22 Details...
- International Conference on Mathematical Neuroscience 2022 Details...
- International Conference on Mathematical Neuroscience 2021 Details...
- International Conference on Mathematical Neuroscience 2020 Details...
- Dynamics Days Europe 2021, UCA Nice, France Details...
- Dynamics Days Europe 2020 Details...
- Series of 8 minisymposium sessions on Waves in biology. Waves Côte d’Azur, Nice, France, 2019. Details...
- Spatial cell signalling. MiLS meeting, University of Nottingham, UK, 2018. Details...
- Mathematical Neuroscience. Minisymposium at the European Conference on Mathematical and Theoretical Biology. Lisbon, 2018. Details...
- Minisymposium at the SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems Snowbird, Utah, 2017. Details...
- Quantitative evolutionary biology. MiLS meeting, University of Surrey, UK, 2017. Details...
- Quantitative evolutionary biology. MiLS meeting, University of Surrey, UK, 2017. Details...
- Mathematical modelling in plant biology. MiLS meeting, University of Nottingham, UK, 2017. Details...
- Mathematical modelling of stem cell dynamics. MiLS meeting, University of Southampton, UK, 2017. Details...
- Multiple timescale dynamics with applications to neuroscience. Two-part minisymposium at the SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems. Snowbird, Utah, 2017. Details...
- Advances in Mathematical Neuroscience. Minisymposium at the European Conference on Mathematical and Theoretical Biology. Nottingham, 2016. Details...
- Evolution in biology, anthropology and social sciences. MiLS meeting, University of Southampton, UK, 2016. Details...
- Mathematical Neuroscience. MiLS meeting, University of Nottingham, UK, 2016. Details...
- Mathematics of Biological Rhythms. MiLS meeting, University of Surrey, UK, 2016. Details...
- Multi-scale numerical methods. Minisymposium at the Workshop on Slow-fast dynamics: theory, numerics, application to life and earth sciences CRM, Barcelona, 2013. Details...
- Stochastic transitions and bifurcation analysis. Minisymposium at the SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems Snowbird, Utah, 2011. Details...
- Dynamics of hearing. Minisymposium at the conference Dynamics Days Europe. Bristol, UK, 2010. Details...
- Symmetries and Numerical Bifurcation Analysis of Large-scale PDEs. Minisymposium at the SIAM Conference on Emerging Topics in Dynamical Systems and PDEs, Barcelona, Spain, 2010. Details...
- Recent Advances on Isolas and Invariant Manifolds: Numerics and Applications. Minisymposium at the SIAM Conference on Emerging Topics in Dynamical Systems and PDEs. Barcelona, Spain, 2010. Details...
- Dynamics of hearing processes. Minisymposium at the SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems. Snowbird, Utah, 2009. Details...
- Modelling active hearing processes. Minisymposium at the British Applied Mathematics Colloquium Manchester, 2008. Details...
Contributed Talks and Posters
- Coherent Behaviour in Non-Smooth Neural Networks. Co-authored invited talk at the the SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems. Snowbird, Utah, 2017. Details...
- Complex Action Potential Firing in Developing Inner Hair Cells. Co-authored invited talk at the the SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems. Snowbird, Utah, 2017. Details...
- Spatially Localized Patterns in Networks of Spiking Neurons. Co-authored invited talk at the the SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems. Snowbird, Utah, 2017. Details...
- Next Generation Neural Field Modelling. Co-authored invited talk at the the SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems. Snowbird, Utah, 2017. Details...
- Localised travelling waves in a network of integrate-and-fire neurons. Co-authored contributed talk at the LMS School on Patterns and Spatially Localised Structures. Loughborough, 2016. Details...
- Coarse grained analysis of patterned activity in a minimal neural network. Poster at the Workshop Generalized Network Structures and Dynamics. Mathematical Biosciences Institute, Ohio, 2016. Details...
- Analysis of Two Phase Model of AvascularTumour Growth. Co-authored talk at the Complex Systems with Interfaces (COSI) workshop. University of Nottingham, 2016. Details...
- Localised travelling waves in spiking neural networks. Co-authored contributed talk at the Conference on Structural Nonlinear Dynamics and Diagnosis. Marrakech, 2016. Details...
- An interface approach to planar neural fields: from spots to spirals. Poster at the Integrated Systems Neuroscience Workshop. Manchester, UK, 2015. Details...
- Spiral waves : interface analysis in a neural field. Poster at the First International Conference on Mathematical Neuroscience. Nice, France, 2015. Details...
- Interface Dynamics in Neural Fields. Co-authored talk at the Complex Systems with Interfaces (COSI) workshop. University of Birmingham, 2015. Details...
- Travelling Wave and Bump Dynamics in a Spiking Neuronal Network. Poster at the Integrated Systems Neuroscience Workshop. Manchester, UK, 2015. Details...
- Travelling Wave and Bump Dynamics in a Spiking Neuronal Network. Poster at the First International Conference on Mathematical Neuroscience. Nice, France, 2015. Details...
- Snakes and ladders in a non-smooth heterogeneous neural-field model. Poster at the First International Conference on Mathematical Neuroscience. Nice, France, 2015. Details...
- Numerical Continuation of Grain Boundaries in the planar Swift-Hohenberg Equation. Co-authored minisymposium talk at the British Applied Mathematics Colloquium. University of Cardiff, 2014. Details...
- Unsteady travelling wave solutions of a system of reaction-diffusion equations. Co-authored minisymposium talk at the British Applied Mathematics Colloquium. University of Cardiff, 2014. Details...
- Analysis and numerical simulations of a two-phase model of avascular tumour growth. Co-authored minisymposium talk at the British Applied Mathematics Colloquium. University of Cardiff, 2014. Details...
- Localised States and Pattern Formation in a Neural Field Model of the Primary Visual Cortex. Poster at the SIAM conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems. Snowbird, Utah, 2013. Details...
- The neural basis of active hearing in the mosquito Aedes aegypti. Poster at the International Congress of Neuroethology. Salamanca, Spain, 2010. Details...
- Modelling active hearing processes in mosquitoes. Contributed talk at ECMTB08. Edimburgh, 2008. Details...
- Numerical continuation of defects in reaction-diffusion systems. Contributed talk at the British Applied Mathematics Colloquium. Bristol, 2007. Details...
- Continuing two-dimensional coherent structures. Poster at the SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems. Snowbird, Utah, 2007. Details...
- Computation of defects for reaction-diffusion systems: preliminary results. Poster at the SIAM Conference on Nonlinear Waves and Coherent Structures. Seattle, 2006. Details...